1st semi-final in the Junior category
Place: III
Penalty points: 0
Time: 67.30
Pair: Juliana and Tokajer 8
Obstacle height: 135
Number of obstacles: 11
Number of strokes: 13
Distance: 390
Rate: 325
Time standard: 72
Additional information:
Number of horses registered: 20
Number of horses that started: 19
Number of horses that completed the competition: 17

FINAL in the Junior category - double turn accuracy
Place: III
Penalty points: 5
Time and relapse: 74.86
Penalty points: 1
Time II recurrence: 47.36
Pair: Juliana and Tokajer 8
Obstacle height: 135
Number of obstacles: 8
Number of strokes: 10
Distance: 270
Pace: 350
Time standard: 47
Additional information:
Number of horses registered: 14
Number of horses that took off: 14
Number of horses that completed the competition: 14