28.06.2019 Diamond Round
Pair: Juliana Suska and Tokajer 8
Points: 0
Time: 60.59
Obstacle height: 140
Number of obstacles: 10
Number of strokes: 12
Distance: 455
Pace: 350
Time standard: 78
Additional information:
Number of horses registered: 20
Number of horses that took off: 20
Number of horses that completed the competition: 14
29.06.2019 Diamond Round- two-phase competition
Place: III
Pair: Juliana Suska and Tokajer 8
Phase I points: 0
Time: 47.68
Phase II points: 4
Time: 36.38
Obstacle height: 140/140
Number of obstacles: 8/5
Number of strokes: 10/6
Distance: 320/275
Pace: 350/350
Time norm: 55/48
Additional information:
Number of horses registered: 18
Number of horses that started: 18
Number of horses that completed the competition: 15
30.06.2019 Gold Round final - two-part competition
Place: III
Pair: Juliana Suska and Tokajer 8
Phase I points: 0
Time: 60.64
Phase II points: 0
Time: 28.57
Obstacle height: 135/135
Number of obstacles: 8/4
Number of strokes: 9/5
Distance: 380/220
Pace: 350/350
Time standard: 66/38
Additional information:
Number of horses registered: 31
Number of horses that started: 31
Number of horses that completed the competition: 29
Grand Prix - two-phase competition
Place: II
Pair: Juliana Suska and Tokajer 8
Phase I points: 0
Time: 86.55
Phase II points: 0
Time: 52.77
Obstacle height: 145/145
Number of obstacles: 12/8
Number of strokes: 15/9
Distance: 550/410
Pace: 375/375
Time standard: 88/66
Additional information:
Number of horses entered: 13
Number of horses that started: 13
Number of horses that completed the competition: 11